A couple of important reminders for New Owners:
– Please notify all movers and contractors that they must keep their vehicles on the pavement at ALL times. Ridgeview has shallow drain lines that can be cracked by vehicles that pull onto the grass. Once cracked, they fill with dirt and tree/plant roots and cause water backups in downspouts/gutters. The Owner is charged for repairs that may result from such damage.
– Dues/Assessment payments may be set up through your bank’s online banking service. The Payee is: Ridgeview Association Inc. The Address is: PO Box 2026, Concord, NC. 28026. Alternately, checks may be mailed directly to this address. Payments are due by the first day of each month. As of January 1, 2019, dues are $165.00 per month. The current assessment of $125.00 per month is scheduled to run through (and including) January 2022.