Terminix will be conducting annual inspections of all homes on Friday, August 6 for all buildings, except A and B. Buildings A and B were the first under contract and are through Acme Pest Control instead.
Unfortunately, Terminix is unable to give us a time frame for when they will be on each street. They did indicate that they will be onsite and BEGIN INSPECTIONS BETWEEN 9 – 10 am.
Crawl Space Homes: If you have a crawl space, you do not need to be home for the inspection. But you do need to leave your CRAWL SPACE UNLOCKED.
Slab Homes: If you don’t have a crawl space, then you will need to provide access to the bottom floor inside of your home. If you are unable to be home and would like to leave a key with a neighbor, then please notify Terminix which address they should go to for access to your home. Terminix’ phone number is 704-786-5300. Anyone in their office can assist with coordination.
The technicians that will be performing the onsite inspections are Ricky and Craig.
IMPORTANT: Please note that these inspections are not optional. If you fail to provide access to your home for an inspection, your home will lose the coverage and protection provided by the Termite Contract that Ridgeview maintains on all homes. Each homeowner is personally responsible for all expenses to repair the structure due to termite damage if any of the following apply:
1. Terminix is unable to gain access to inspect the home.
2. Firewood is located in an unapproved location too close to the home.
3. Wood mulch or any other item that may attract termites is placed in the common area near or adjacent to the home.
Termite damage has occurred at Ridgeview in the past, but fortunately the home had been inspected, so extensive repairs were covered by our termite contract. For the protection of your home and to avoid potentially costly liability for repairs to the structure, you will want to make sure that your home is inspected.
Let’s all do our part to keep our homes termite-free!