It’s taken longer than usual to get to the bottom of this morning’s power outage. The prior foreman that we had arranged to contact us is no longer with Carolina Water Service.
The outage was caused by a contractor for the City of Concord that was rerouting a culvert drain on Chadbourne in Zemosa Acres. He had to take pressure off the water line. Carolina Water Service had no advance notice of this interruption. I have asked that the Supervisor notify us in the future when they do have advance notice of interruption so that our residents can plan accordingly.
BEST PRACTICE AFTER OUTAGE: Anytime a service line is opened up where contaminants may be able to enter the system, when you turn on your water in your house, you may introduce muddy water with contaminants into the lines in your home and water heater and may also clog (or otherwise reduce the lifespan) of your water filters for your sink or ice maker. It is recommended that you first turn on one (or both) of your outdoor water spigots (if you have more than one) that services your home and let the water run until it is clear before turning on the water inside your home.
We were just informed that the water should be restored any time now within the hour.
Best wishes to all for a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend for all.
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